Spring 3 MVC: Internationalization & localization
Application Context Configuration
Message Resource Files
Normally in the Java world, the locale-specific data is stored in message resource files. In Spring you configure it by adding the following bean
to the application context:
The configuration specifies that the message resource files should be named messages_xx.properties (xx is the shortcut of the locale), are stored in the messages folder in the classpath, and that the default encoding for the files is UTF-8.
Note: If the message resources files change often and you don’t want to restart the JVM, you should useorg.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource
enables you to automatically resolve messages using the client’s locale. This is done with LocaleResolver
objects. You can select between- an
, which inspects theaccept-language
header in the request that was sent by the client (e.g., a web browser). Usually this header field contains the locale of the client’s operating system. - a
, - and a
, which allows you to retrieve locales from the session that might be associated with the user’s reques
made the most sense for Podcastpedia.org . It inspects a cookie namedpodcastpediaPreferredLanguage
, that might exist on the client to see if a locale is specified:
If the cookie is not found, then the
is set to American English. The cookieMaxAge
(the maximum time a cookie will stay persistent on the client) is set to 604800 seconds (one month).
is normally used in combination with the LocaleChangeInterceptor
, which allows you to change of the current locale by using a defined parameter in the request (in this case the lang
parameter). So, for example, a request for the following URL,http://www.podcastpedia.org/categories?lang=de
, will change the site language to German:Access the Locale in Spring
If you need to access the current locale in Spring you can use the
, which returns the Locale associated with the current thread, if any, or the system default Locale else. In the following code snippet you can see how I use this in the start page’s controller to display the newest and most popular podcasts based on the language selected:Browser Caching optimization
If you have enabled browser caching, as specified for example in the post How To: Enable compression and leverage browser caching with Apache Server, make sure you set the
and cache control
for the html pages to 0 seconds:
, so that changing the locale is effective immediately for the page – otherwise if you come back later to the same page, but without the locale parameter in the url, you would have the page displayed in the old locale, if the expiration time was not reached yet.
Well, that’s All Folks! If you would like to have Podcastpedia.org localized in your language, you can download the message resource file for English – messages_en.properties, and contact me at ama [AT] codingpedia DOT org – thanks
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